FREE Baby and Toddler Screening Service:
At Bright Start we want to give back to our community and as such we have a FREE developmental Screening Service for Babies and Toddlers aged 0-18 Months.
Whether your little bub has been flagged by the MCHN, the GP or whether you are simply looking to investigate a developmental concern, this screening service means you can simply call up and pop in to see us at no cost to you!
Our team of experienced Physiotherapists will look over your little one from top to toe and provide you with feedback for referral as well as some tips on what you can do to help progress your child at home.
What happens in this service:
- 15-25 minute screening with a physiotherapist
- we will assess your baby/toddlers reflexes, posture, tone and motor skills
- provide one to one feedback and parent recommendations
- we will provide you with a referral pathway for ongoing support if needed
Our Physios are play and movement specialists for your little one. Movement offers an opportunity for your baby to explore their own body and to discover the world around them.
Common developmental concerns we see in our Screening Service include:
- Reduced tolerance for tummy time
- Delayed rolling, sitting, crawling, or walking
- Adoption of different movement patterns such as bottom shuffling, ‘W’ sitting or toe walking
- Head turning preferences that don’t resolve within the early weeks
- Head shape changes (plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and scaphocephaly)
- Tight neck muscle (Torticollis)
- Positional foot concerns (Positional Talipes and Metatarsus adducts)
- Low muscle tone
- Hypermobility
- Feeding challenges
Tots To Toes Program:
Tots To Toes is our top to toe wholistic therapeutic approach for infant development. Whether your little bub has been flagged by the MCHN or paediatric specialist or whether you are simply looking to investigate a developmental concern or increase your knowledge of developmental milestones, this program provides both Physiotherapy Screening and intervention as well as Parent Coaching and home recommendations from our Occupational Therapists to help your bub do what bubs do best – Play, Eat, Sleep -Repeat!
What happens in this program:
- A combined comprehensive assessment with an OT and a Physio
- We develop a customised treatment plan for a block of therapy
- One to one Physiotherapy sessions for your baby
- One to one OT Parent coaching sessions for facilitating appropriate play skills and home recommendations
Our OT’s and Physio’s are play and movement specialists for your little one. Movement offers opportunity for your baby to explore their own body and to discover the world around them.
Our team has expertise in developmental motor milestones and common musculoskeletal conditions of newborns, infants and toddlers. We use play, interaction, and engagement to explore your little one’s ability and patterns of movement and implement motivating strategies to facilitate age-appropriate development.
Common developmental concerns we see in our Tots to Toes program include:
- Reduced tolerance for tummy time
- Delayed rolling, sitting, crawling, or walking
- Adoption of different movement patterns such as bottom shuffling, ‘W’ sitting or toe walking
- Head turning preferences that don’t resolve within the early weeks
- Head shape changes (plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and scaphocephaly)
- Tight neck muscle (Torticollis)
- Positional foot concerns (Positional Talipes and Metatarsus adducts)
- Low muscle tone
- Hypermobility
Tots and Tumble Program:
Tots and Tumble is run by our senior OT’s and Physiotherapists and aims to support families of babies born during the pandemic with vulnerabilities or developmental delays.
Whether you were a new parent or an experienced parent having a baby during COVID lockdown, we understand the significant stress and anxiety related to parenting during these times and the potential for missed physical, social and emotional developmental opportunities for our little ones.
We know the isolation and developmental concerns that come from raising a child during a pandemic and that is why we have created Tots and Tumble starting in 2023!
Our Tots and Tumble program gives little ones the opportunity to explore, create and develop their physical, cognitive and social skills in a fun environment at their own rate. Your children will learn to be more efficient in using their bodies while enhancing their readiness for learning, inspiring possibilities and enhancing developmental outcomes.
Your little ones will access all our super fun sensorimotor equipment in our Sensory Gym in our play to learn setting. Your toddlers will love it!
Tots and Tumble increases your child’s confidence in their own abilities and in trying new activities while connecting our parents to evidence based information on how to best facilitate healthy development across all daily living environments.
Time to SPROUT Playgroup:
Our Time to Sprout Playgroup is run by our senior OT’s and Physiotherapists and aims to support families of children born during or close to the pandemic with vulnerabilities or developmental delays.
Whether you were a new parent or an experienced parent having had a baby during COVID lockdown, we understand the significant stress and anxiety related to parenting during these times and the potential for missed physical, social and emotional developmental opportunities for our little ones.
That is why we have created ‘TIME TO SPROUT” our low cost facilitated playgroup!
The aim is to connect parents to information while providing child-led opportunities to explore, create and develop their physical, cognitive and social skills in a fun environment at their own rate.
Time to SPROUT sessions include:
- Sensory Play
- Physiotherapy Input
- Relatable topics discussed from parent interest
- Occupational Therapy Input
- Utilizing functional play materials
- Teaching strategies for home
We look forward to welcoming more families to the Bright Start Village!